Here's what I've been up to:
- Went down to my SMITH family reunion the beginning of this month. I didn't take a single picture.. I was too sidetracked. it was excellent. It was so good to be on "the farm" I was reminded on how gorgeous it really is. All of my cousins are fabulous and am so proud to have such a cool family and what's even cooler is that they all married such great people too!. I have a great husband he just let me visit with all of them while he packed up the whole tent and stuff.
-Been busy with my new calling going to meetings, thinking about it. I'm the 1st councellor in the relief society. It is a little more work than I expected but that's okay extra blessings right?. I never knew how hard it was with organizing visiting teaching until I was behind the scenes! Now is the time for me to put that out there! do your visiting teaching! wow is it ever important!
-finding renters for the house, showing the place every mon, wed. fri at 7 for the last month, luckily we found someone so they are coming to sign the lease agreement today!
-We had Geneva's 3rd Birthday last saturday we had rented a jump castle from friends in our ward. We made it a joint birthday with Bethany her parents own the Jumpcastle. It was a donation item at the scout auction so we though why not bid on it for Geneva's birthday? we just invited families what a good turnout! I sure like having a big backyard! and the treehouse that Dale has built or is building is quite the piece of work! still needs a roof though but it it coming along.
-Having playdates with friends, (mostly the Tollestrup kids), Jonah and Tagg are such good buddies! Berkeley and Geneva too, but Jonah is obsessed with playing with Tagg, they are actually going over there today.
-Visiting Grandma Shaw it is such a relief that she is doing so well in the nursing home I was worried about her.
-trying to "keep up" with laundry and housework
-I just signed up to be an epicure consultant If you don't know what it is it's a Canadian company that sells dip mixes spices and cookware. I never thought that I would be into that stuff, bot the product is so fabulous i couldn't help myself. If there is anything you need, or if you want a catalogue just get a hold of me!
- I also start a new job September. I get up at 6 am and get my kids in the car and go to someone else's house and get their kids ready for school and drive them. sounds crazy but the pay is good. The pros outweigh the cons, I might actually have a schedule and a routine in my life come sept.
So I am so busy. But I find that it is a good thing. LIfe is stressful. I have a son that gives me a run for my money. I have to threaten to take away his toys to get him to do anything and then follow through on my threats.I think it just might be a 4 year old thing, yesterday I took away his bike. I feel like I am the meanest mom, but they all say consistency is the key with parenting.
Sometimes I see on people's facebook status that people say they are bored. that is such a foreign concept to me. I don't think I have been bored since I was a child... No I take that back when I was newly married, and Dale was working security anin the evenings I got bored. Which looking back now I could've done so much with that time!!! scrapbooked , sewed...taken a pottery class, Photography class, learned french dedicated more time to studying the gospel.... all that stuff I can't find the time to do now!