So much to tell so I'll make it point form
- This last ward conference in april, Dale got called as the first councillor in the bishopbric! boy were we ever shocke! my friend Jackie put it right when I told her " I don't know whether to congratulate you or say sorry" Really it hasn't been that bad though they schedule their meetings in the mornings, so he's not away that much. I'm just thankful for the blessings.
- Dales Grandpa Passed away (Doc Ames) the end of April when we were on our way to Utah luckily we did'nt go any further than Edmonton so wew were able to come back for the funeral. It was a beautiful funeral service with full military honors. He lived a good full life with his last 7 years spent working full time in the Edmonton temple. What a reunion it was for him and
his wife on the other side! I'm happy for them.
- Right after the funeral my mother-in- law DD and three of my sis-inlaw's Tawnia ,Danielle, and Chantelle. got to go down to women's conference in Pro
vo Utah. I couldn't believe how many women were there 20,000 approx. I was an amazing feeling to feel the spirit along with all the other women in the Marriot center. I want to go every year! If i'm not nursing a baby
- So that brings brings me to our next big news as of today i am 13 weeks pregnant. which is awsome. baby de to arrive Dec 7th I've been sick but it's starting to go away.
- My sister Ashley came to visit in april that was fun my kids love her we had some good talks.
- My parents and Doug came May long weekend I was feeling really sick so my mom was a big help. Dale got to help them in designing their new house that they
bought with my sister marilyn.
- We celebrated Dales and mines birthday in may we got a new fancy TV it's much nicer than our old 20 incher. Dale got me beautiful roses as well.
- here's Jonah enjoying a root Beer