My due date is tomorrow.
baby number 4 is coming! do I feel ready? what does that really mean? ready. no. but at the same time I am so excited to meet this little guy!( yes it's a bo)! to see what he looks like and to hear his little boy cry...I'm really anxious to be able to sleep withought aches and pains too. It's been hard pregnency because at 27 weeks I got put on modified bedrest, I wasn't suppossed to travel for 3 weeks and lift anything, including my 2 year old. So greatful for my amazing ward that helped out during this time. the meals, the cleaning , and even the company while I was couped up out here on the acerage. I have a feeling the the magnitude of 4 kids is going to hit me hard. We'll see.
I'd like to atleast get a post on here once a month, we'll see.
Here are some photos done in the fall of the family.