Wednesday, May 07, 2008

may is a great month!

Lots going on in May lots of birthdays, Mothers day, Amber's grad, I can't believe she's going to be 19 soon... It seems like it was just the other day I came up to GP to visit my boyfriend's family and me this tiny 11 year old who likes to boogie to the hamster dance! This upcoming friday the whole Shaw family is going to be up for Amber's grad we are throwing a surprise shower for my husband Dale's older sister Tawnia who is expecting her 4th boy in a month you ask why is she having a baby shower? well they tried for a looong time for the 4th and then gave all the baby stuff away thinking they were done having kids. Murphy's law! so we are so excited for her! Saturday dale gets to be Amber's escort to grad. I will definately post photos.
I think we are going to buy rock band for Dale's birthday. We got to go over to the Palmer's house in Edmonton friends of my sis Marilyn and Jeff. WE LOVED iT! we didn't want to stop. I got to sing, most of the night. I got 99% I just felt like a star. Dale Rocked on the drums.I almost lost my voice. It was awesome. we got right into it with costumes and everything but of course we didn't have a camera...I'll be sure to remember the camera for all of the events coming up.
and what's a post without a few photos???

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